In 1964 I met The Beatles during their first visit to the United States. I went to the Hollywood Bowl Concert, and the next day was invited to meet them. After loving their music for so many years the expression on my face says it all.
Babes in Toyland in The Shirley Temple Storybook. Believe it or not, Shirley Temple played the Witch.
Lassie and me at the Pet Awards
The Emmy Awards with Danny Kaye and Lucille Ball.
above: All in fun is Jay North from Dennis the Menace and Jon Provost from Lassie trying to dunk me in the pool.
right: TV Guide shoot with the kids on TV...
I hosted two specials for CBS taking over the Dinah Shore Show. Children Are People with Jay North and Jerry Mathers and Ghosts, Goblins and Kids with Jay North and Teddy Rooney. The show was a cast of kids singing, dancing, playing instruments, doing gymnastics and whatever else they had a talent for. The first one was so popular they asked us to do the second one.
In 1961 during hiatus from the Danny Thomas Show I played Angela, the daughter of Carroll O'Conner (before he played Archie Bunker) in the film, Lad: A Dog.
I love animals and working with Lad and the puppies was a dream come true for this nine year old. I fell in love with this breed of dog and own a Sheltie Collie today.
Lad: A Dog is a story of a collie named Lad, who saves me from a rattle snake, gets me out of my wheelchair and able to walk again, and heroically saves the day during a fire. Peggy McCay and Peter Breck also starred. It's a great movie for the kids to see.
TV I played Chips girlfriend in three episodes of My Three Sons.
Mrs. Klampt was my teacher while I filmed The Sound of Music and while we were filming Lost In Space. Several years ago Bill Mumy, David Jolliffe Room 222 and I went to visit her. We have some laughs remembering our years together. (above) That's Bill and me in front of our schoolroom on the 20th lot with Howard Rice Room 222, Stephen Arngrim Land of the Giants and Darby Hinton from Daniel Boone.
After Lost In Space, I finished high school, went to college, traveled, modeled and continued acting in TV shows and commercials. I also pursued photography, which continues to be one of my passions to this day. Though my schooling was not conventional it served me well.